One Baby Step at a Time

Focusing on all the things you haven’t done is a total buzz kill. 

It’s an energy leak. 

It takes you out of the moment. 

It makes you feel shitty. 

It doesn’t propel you forward or magically make you more productive. 

It actually stresses that you’re not capable or where you “should” be. 


Instead of thinking about it all the time, make a list of the massive to do list in your head that’s taking up space and sucking your joy and time with simply thinking about it. 

Scratch anything off the list you simply aren’t going to do. Or make the phone call to delegate it. 

Look at things that have been there forever and seem like huge time suckers but really can be accomplished in a short time and do them. 

Then look at the biggest most important to you projects and star the priorities. ⭐️

Pick one. 🌟

Don’t get overwhelmed by it. You’re going to break it down and be so freaking proud of yourself. 💁🏻‍♀️

Feel into what is the first baby step and take the step. 🦶

And celebrate it. Celebrate what you have done. Acknowledge how awesome and capable you are.  🎉

Then feel into the next baby step. Take it. And celebrate again. 

If you’re a procrastinating queen, simply schedule each baby step and stick to the deadline like I know you can. 👸🏻

Where there once was an energy link there is now energy flow and momentum. Keep going. You don’t need to know every step. Just the very next one. 💫

You are so worthy of the feelings that come along with shifting this energy and creating space in your mind. 👏 👏 👏

One baby step at a time.